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  VIDEO LECTURE ON ENGINE AND ITS CLASSIFICATIONS ENGINE What is engine ? It is a power generating machine which converts power into motion. Otherwise we can define as, engine is a device which converts heat energy of the fuel into mechanical energy. Example : Petrol engine, Diesel engine INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE What is heat engine? Heat engine is a device which converts heat energy into work. Example: IC engine, EC engine EXTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE   What is IC engine ? IC engine also called as internal combustion engine. The combustion of fuel takes place inside of the cylinder. During combustion process, chemical energy of the fuel is converted into heat energy. Further it is converted into useful work. Example : Petrol engine, Diesel engine, Gas turbine.   TURBINE What is EC engine ? EC engine also called as external combustion engine. The combustion of fuel takes place externally. In external combustion engine heat energy is converted into mechanical wo


    VIDEO LECTURE ON BASICS OF THERMODYNAMIC   Contents Definition of thermodynamics Basic terms used Laws of thermodynamics System, Boundary and Surroundings Equilibrium Intensive and Extensive properties State, Process, Cycle Point and path functions Definition Thermodynamics is the branch of science deals with relationship between heat and work. It deals with transfer of energy within the system and across the boundary of the system.  Basics Terms Used Mass Weight Volume Density Specific weight Specific gravity Specific volume Pressure Temperature Heat Work Power Energy   Mass Mass is the amount of matter contained in an object, and does not depends on gravity. Unit of mass is gram, kilogram. W=mg It is denoted as 'm' Weight The amount of mass depending upon gravity is called weight. It is the product of mass and acceleration gravity. W=mg. Unit is Kgm/sec 2 (or) Newton. It is denoted as'W' Volume Space occupied by the mass. Ratio of mass t